Browser checkup
  1. Pop-up Windows

    Parts of the ACE Organic system (including tests on this check-up page) are opened in new browser windows. If you have a pop-up blocker installed, problems may occur when navigating within the system.

    Test pop-ups
    • If the pop-up test failed, please make sure that you either disable your pop-up blocker or set it to allow pop-ups coming from this domain name. All pop-ups used in ACE Organic are related directly to the use of the system.

  2. Cookies

    In order to log in and use ACE Organic, your browser must accept cookies.

    Test cookies

    • If the cookie test failed, please make sure that your browser is set to at least accept first-party cookies.

      • Internet Explorer:
        1. Go to ToolsInternet Options.
        2. Pick the Privacy tab.
        3. Press the Advanced... button.
        4. Set it to accept first-party cookies.
      • Firefox:
        1. Go to ToolsOptions (FirefoxPreferences on a Mac).
        2. Select the Privacy section.
        3. Expand the Cookies section.
        4. Verify that Allow sites to set cookies is checked.
      • Safari:
        1. Go to SafariPreferences.
        2. Select the Security section.
        3. Verify that Accept Cookies is set to either 'Always' or 'Only from sites you navigate to'.
  3. If your browser passes all of the tests on this page and you are using one of the supported browsers, you should not experience any problems while using ACE Organic. Use your browser's Back button to return to the login page.

    If, however, your browser does not pass some of the tests, and you have tried all of the steps provided, make sure that any firewall software you are running isn't causing the problem. Try adjusting the security level or shutting security off completely.

NSF Pearson SAS Created by Robert B. Grossman and Raphael A. Finkel
Departments of Chemistry and Computer Science
University of Kentucky