Mechanism rule |
Parameter |
Automatic feedback? |
General chemical rules |
No SN2 at sp- or sp2-hybridized atom. |
no |
No ionization of sp- or sp2-hybridized
atom. |
no |
No 1° carbocations. |
no |
Violation of pKa rule
[(best base's conjugate acid pKa
– best acid pKa) ≤ 8]. |
bits 0–1 = "do not consider first step", "do not
consider last step" |
no |
No even-electron pericyclic reactions. |
no |
No four-atom pericyclic reactions. |
no |
Cationic shifts must be 1,2-shifts. |
no |
No zwitterions. |
bit 2 = "consider only positive atoms bearing H"
no |
No multiply charged atoms. |
no |
No multiply charged molecules. |
no |
No charged molecules of same sign reacting with one another. |
flags bit 3 = "allow proton transfers" |
no |
No X–H bond acts as a nucleophile. |
no |
No four-membered transition states for H+ transfer. |
no |
No termolecular steps. |
no |
No dyotropic rearrangements (A–B–C–D →
D–B–C–A). |
no |
No σ-bond metatheses or dyotropic rearrangements. |
no |
Reaction-condition-specific rules |
No radicals under polar conditions. |
no |
No acids under these basic conditions should
have pKa < n. (The response may show
the acids explicitly or may produce them in a mechanistic step but
omit them from the drawing.) |
pKvalue |
yes |
No bases under these acidic conditions should
have pKb > n (conjugate acids whose
pKa > n). (The response may show
the bases explicitly or may produce them in a mechanistic step but
omit them from the drawing.) |
pKvalue |
yes |
No SN2 under acidic conditions. |
no |
No carbocations under basic conditions. |
no |
Mechanism-drawing conventions |
No atom should receive and supply electrons simultaneously. |
no |
No resonance arrow where there should be one. |
flags bit 0 = "do not consider first step" |
no |
Resonance arrow where there shouldn't be one. |
flags bit 0 = "do not consider first step" |
no |